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How to Dial in Discomfort in Order to Grow ⭐️ highlights 💼 finding work 🧠 mindset Jul 23, 2024

Growth is uncomfortable

If you want to get better at something, it’s going to be uncomfortable.


Because growth and comfort can’t co-exist.

When you think of something you feel comfortable with, what are you really saying?

You’re saying that you’re content with it. That your present skills or state is something that feels safe and secure.

But what if you want to get...

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How to Use Fear to Your Advantage ⭐️ highlights 💼 finding work 🧠 mindset Jul 16, 2024

“I’d need a guarantee…”

How often do you hold back on your dreams simply because you’re not sure if they’re possible?

Maybe you feel like your goals are too ambitious, too risky, too improbable.

But I don’t buy it.

What you’re REALLY saying is that you’re scared.

You fear…

  • What it would mean if you failed.
  • Not knowing what success...
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Shame Isn't Serving You 🧠 mindset Jul 09, 2024

I’ve struggled with staying physically active for most of my life.

Here’s a little overview of the cycle I run into over and over again:

  1. Create a solid action plan for exercise + diet
  2. Crush it in the beginning
  3. Lose excitement over time
  4. Skip at some point
  5. Never do it again

For years, that cycle has dominated my relationship with exercise.

But I’m starting to...

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How to Feel Confident as an Aspiring Composer ⭐️ highlights 💼 finding work 🧠 mindset Jul 04, 2024

If you're a composer looking to go full-time and pursue your dream, what's holding you back right now?

Is it a lack of information?

Is it information overload?

Or maybe...

Is it a lack of confidence?

For many, it's a combination of all three - but today, we'll chat on confidence.

Many composers I teach say they're waiting to "feel ready" to pursue the career.

We call this the "when-then"...

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When You've Tried Everything (And Nothing's Working) ⭐️ highlights 💼 finding work 🧠 mindset Jul 04, 2024

So, you've been trying to do composing professionally for a long time now.

Maybe you've even dreamt of this career ever since you were a kid.

You love the idea of...

  • Doing what you love for a living
  • Getting to work on cool projects
  • Getting to work with cool people
  • Getting paid well to do it

And yet...

You're now hitting a point where all the things you've tried to get there...

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How To Know When You're Ready to Pursue a Composing Career ⭐️ highlights 🎬 scoring 💼 finding work 🤝 networking 🧠 mindset Jun 28, 2024

Someday, you'd like to start pursuing paid composing work.

But you're not ready for it yet - or so you think.

So to GET ready, you've been focusing on practicing your composing skills so that your music will be "good enough" to be taken seriously.

And yet, you might still be wondering:

"How will I know when my music IS good enough to get paid?"

Good question.

But what...

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🥰 How to Rebuild Your Confidence as a Composer ⭐️ highlights 🧠 mindset Apr 09, 2024

One of the most difficult questions I’ve ever been asked came from a 30-year old composer back in 2023.

Here’s what he wrote to me:

“On paper, I have the knowledge, experience, and abilities to pursue a full-time musical career in some form or another.

But I lack FAITH.

On a good day, I still can’t see where all of my efforts are leading. And a bad day, my work feels...

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🎙️ My Interview for Akash Thakkar’s Sound Business Podcast 👂 listening 💼 finding work Apr 02, 2024

I love listening to podcasts.

So when sound designer and educator Akash Thakkar invited me onto his ‘Sound Business Podcast’, I jumped at the chance

On this episode, we discuss:

  •  The key to an effective practice routine
  •  How to stop comparison from killing your creativity
  •  Why you need to take risks (especially if you hate them)

I highly recommend it for some...

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🗓️ How I Start Every Week to Avoid Overwhelm 🧠 mindset Apr 02, 2024

As you may have discovered yesterday…

Mondays can make or break your energy and motivation for the rest of the week:

I used to feel like Garfield.

I’d over-exert myself at the start of every week, thinking:

“I’ve got to get EVERYTHING done on my to-do list to stay ahead!”

But every time I’d do that…

I’d be SO exhausted by the end of the day...

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❤️‍🩹 Overcoming "Content Block" for Composers ⭐️ highlights 🧠 mindset Mar 26, 2024

Throughout the last 365 days, my YouTube channel has been climbing rapidly to nearly 100,000 subscribers.

But for the past few months...

I'd been dealing with a pretty hefty creative block.

It started with a short break from content creation I took in November to create the  Composing Career Bootcamp.

But as more time went on, I found it harder and harder to resume the types of YouTube...

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