
🗓️ How I Start Every Week to Avoid Overwhelm

Apr 02, 2024

As you may have discovered yesterday…

Mondays can make or break your energy and motivation for the rest of the week:

I used to feel like Garfield.

I’d over-exert myself at the start of every week, thinking:

“I’ve got to get EVERYTHING done on my to-do list to stay ahead!”

But every time I’d do that…

I’d be SO exhausted by the end of the day that I’d spend most of Tuesday recovering from my high-octane efforts.

(It’s Tuesday now, so maybe this resonates with you today in particular)

So a few months ago, I decided to change things around. 🔁

I started treating Mondays as my “ease-in” day instead of my “full throttle day”.

I’d use the start of the week to transition into my work week by:

  • 📩 Catching up on missed emails
  • 📂 Exporting stems and deliverables to clients
  • 💻 Prepping project files for the composing work I had to do that week

Oftentimes, work on Mondays would be half as many hours as the other days of the week.


Over time, I noticed that the hours I worked overall were more consistent and more focused.

The burnout I used to experience regularly nearly went away completely.

And I had a LOT more fun on the first day of the week than I’d had when I put all that pressure on myself.

So I’ve stuck to treating Mondays as my permanent “ease in” day.

Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by a busy week, try reducing the pressure to “get it all done” Day 1.

Ease in, and trust that with consistent, well-paced effort, your work will be completed 🙂

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