
🤯 4 Life-Changing Lessons

Jun 13, 2023

In May, I joined Rich Webster’s quarterly “Work Less Cohort”—and it was one of the best decision’s I’ve ever made.

Too often, creative entrepreneurs build a career that feels like a cage, boxing them in to draining hours, endless communication, and zero boundaries. 😰

The Work Less Cohort is about undoing that, and making your business work for you. 🏝️

It's literally jam-packed with resources, systems, templates, livestreams, recordings, and an incredible community of like-minded entrepreneurs with the same goal: to work less and earn more.

I learned more in the one month than I could possibly put into words, but here’s four of the biggest takeaways I learned:

⚖️ The 80/20 Principle

20% of our efforts yield 80% of our results. We need to double down on things that are working in our favor, and cut back on the things that aren’t.

That means spending our time on high-yield efforts—whether that yield is happiness, money, or both.

How I’m doing this: I’ve reduced my YouTube schedule in half, because I realized that it was costing me double my time without double the results

💬 Clear Communication

You need to define for your clients how and when you communicate, and why that benefits everyone involved.

Then you have to stick to it. Responding to a message at 1am trains your clients that you’re around to respond to messages at late hours.

How I’m doing this: I’ve created client portals via Notion for my recurring clients for revision notes, and check email/Slack/Discord 2x per day.

🏆 Goals > Systematization

Creating systems around inefficient or ineffective goals is pointless.

Instead, first define what success looks like, then build systems around that goal—not the other way around.

How I’m doing this: Honestly, as an efficiency nerd, I’m very guilty of this. I’ve been tracking my hours to pay attention to where I spend the most time, and then outsource those time-consuming tasks to free up those hours.

🤝 Coach the Gap

Whether it’s a client or someone working for you, it’s your job to train them how to independently achieve the goals you’re seeking. Every time you fix a problem for them, you make them dependent on you to solve an issue.

Start by showing how you do something (”I do”). Then do the task together (”We do”). Finally, allow them to do it on their own (”You do”). This is coaching the gap.

How I’m doing this: I provide more revision notes for my team to actively implement, instead of trying to save them time by doing it myself.

If you’re maxed out on hours and/or work and looking for some new tools, I really can’t recommend the Work Less Cohort enough.

(And if you use my link, you’ll get $500 off for enrolling as part of Rich’s affiliate program.)

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